Dental Implants - Miami, FL
All Ceramic Dental Implants
for a Naturally Beautiful Smile

What Are Zirconia Dental Implants?
Zirconia, or ceramic dental implants, are a modern, metal-free alternative to traditional dental implants. They are entirely fabricated from a strong, specialized ceramic material called zirconia, which has been used reliably for dental restorations like crowns and bridges for decades. The ceramic used in zirconia dental implants is durable, biocompatible (meaning it won’t irritate your gums or bone tissue), and highly wear-resistant.
A single zirconia implant or dental implant zirconia bridge will provide a more natural look and feel for people looking to replace missing teeth. Dr. Jerri Hines is proud to offer all-ceramic dental implants in Miami, FL, so that you can enjoy a strong, beautiful smile with metal-free tooth replacements.

Make Dental Implants
Your First Choice
Dental implants are made up of three components—post, abutment, and restoration—that mimic the function of natural teeth. Secured in your jawbone, dental implants are one of the most versatile tooth replacements available, able to replace any number of missing teeth. This permanent solution requires the precision of a skilled implant dentist and advanced surgical technology to optimize the outcomes of your treatment and its long-term success. Our team routinely provides dental implant treatment across a variety of cases, leveraging state-of-the-art technologies and high-quality materials for best results. With our expertise, we can help you experience a life of health, function, and confidence with dental implants in Miami, FL!

What Are the Benefits
of All-Ceramic Dental Implants?
- 100% metal-free, perfect for those with metal allergies or sensitivities
- Resistant to building up plaque, reducing your risk for implant failure later
- Highly customizable, able to be shaped similarly to your natural teeth
- Highly biocompatible, reducing the risk of inflammation or irritation
- Naturally white color, offering an aesthetic advantage over metal implants
- Strong and durable, comparable to titanium in strength
- Ideal for both single tooth replacement and full arch zirconia implant bridges

Zirconia Implants
vs. Traditional Titanium Implants
When comparing your options for a single dental implant or fixed implant bridge, all-ceramic and traditional titanium implant posts have a few crucial differences. All ceramic dental implants and zirconia bridges are entirely metal-free, making them an excellent choice for patients allergic to metals or simply prefer a more natural option. Regarding aesthetics, zirconia is naturally white, which can blend more seamlessly with your natural teeth, especially for a dental implant zirconia bridge.
Highly durable, titanium may sometimes show through the gums, especially in patients with thin gum tissue. Zirconia is strong enough for most applications, including a full-arch zirconia implant bridge to replace all the teeth in an arch. However, titanium is slightly stronger and more flexible, so traditional titanium implants remain the more common choice for a fixed implant bridge.
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Dental Implants Before & After
Who Should Consider
All-Ceramic Dental Implants?
- Patients with metal allergies or sensitivities
- Individuals looking for a more natural and aesthetic implant option
- Patients seeking a zirconia bridge that will last as long as a traditional option
- Those needing a solution for thin gum tissue where titanium might show through
- Anyone looking for a durable, long-lasting alternative to conventional metal implants

Top 5 Mistakes People
Make With Dental Implants
Do you have all the information you need to make the right decisions about dental implants? Don’t make any of these five common mistakes. Our exclusive checklist will steer you in the right direction.

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